
Starting from edition 17, we will grant the Best Scientific Article Award from the previous volume. To accomplish this, after the conclusion of each subsequent volume, evaluations will be conducted by the RCO Editorial Team, guided by the criterion of citation potential.

The Best Scientific Article Award aims to recognize the merit of the published article, encourage its reading as well as other articles in the RCO, and simultaneously promote the continuous pursuit of high quality in future submissions.

Best Scientific Article Award

Volume 17 (2023)

Decision-making rights, facilitating perception of performance indicators, and psychological empowerment: A quasi-experimental field study with call center operators | Maximilian Zanelato Bordin, Octávio Ribeiro de Mendonça Neto, Andson Braga de Aguiar e José Carlos Tiomatsu Oyadomari

Volume 16 (2022)

The role of algorithmic management as a support for management control systems in the sharing economy: a study about the drivers’ perceptions of Brazilian ridesharing companies | Ewerton Alex Avelar, Ricardo Vinícius Dias Jordão, Gabriela Maria Couto Ferreira, and Beatriz Najela Ekaterina Ribeiro da Silva