The necessary merger control of teaming arrangements in Brazil

a proposal for legislative amendment


  • Allan Fuezi Barbosa Lisbon University



Teaming arrangements, Merger control, Public procurement, Legislative Amendment


Teaming arrangements are alliances among competitors in order to participate in public procurements. In the previous legislation, this act was analyzed by CADE as a merger, requiring approval by the body, for the regularity of the public contract. Currently, Law n. 12.529/2011 expressly provides that such modality of agreement does not represent a merger, but it does not mean an antitrust exemption regarding to the practices. Therefore, taking into account the relevant risks to competitors' agreement without any antitrust scrutiny, we defend the legislative amendment in view to make feasible the structural appraisal of this act, before formalizing the contract with the Public Power.


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Author Biography

  • Allan Fuezi Barbosa, Lisbon University

    Mestrando em Direito da Concorrência e da Regulação pela Universidade de Lisboa, com período sanduíche na Universidade de Bolonha (Itália). Investigador Associado ao Centro de Investigação de Direito Europeu, Económico, Financeiro e Fiscal - CIDEEF (Universidade de Lisboa). Pós-Graduado em Direito Europeu em Acção - A jurisprudência do Tribunal de Justiça da União Europeia (Instituto de Direito Europeu - Universidade de Lisboa). Pós-Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR). Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Católica do Salvador (UCSal) e em Administração pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA).






How to Cite

Barbosa, A. F. (2019). The necessary merger control of teaming arrangements in Brazil: a proposal for legislative amendment. Revista Digital De Direito Administrativo, 6(1), 58-71.