Physical Geography in Enem Exam: An Interdisciplinary Relationship with Nature Science




School Topics, Resources and Curricular Program.


This work presents a critical analysis of Geography at the Brazilian National High School Exam (ENEM), based on an interdisciplinary approach. We propose an analytical study in which Geography and Interdisciplinarity are related to approach contextualized topics. Therefore, we intend to analyze how Geography is shown in the ENEM’s questions, by prioritizing the resources and the topics that mostly appear in the questions. Topic analysis was the methodology applied to the research that used a qualitative method, which gave rise to quantitative data after the analyses. The results achieved are based on the analysis of the exams administered in 1998, 1999, 2008, 2009 and 2010. The 1998 exam was selected in order to understand the initial structure and format of the test. The 2009 exam was included because it represented a milestone in the history of the exam, which is now organized according to Areas of Knowledge. The results revealed that geography topics are appreciated in the test, especially those related to physical geography. On the other hand, the main geography language – the maps, which are tools necessary in the spatialization of physical and social phenomena – are depreciated. As a partial result, it was possible to identify that the organization of the current model of ENEM has provided a new division between Physical Geography and Human Geography, as Physical Geography is now related to Nature Science.


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Author Biographies

  • Edlane Cruz Da Silva Coutinho, Universidade Federal Fluminense

    Licenciada em História pela Universidade Salgado de Oliveira, Licenciada em Geografia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, com especialização em Ensino de Geografia pelo Instituto Federal Fluminense e Mestre em Geografia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense.Vinculada ao Departamento de Geografia PUCG.

  • Gustavo Barreto Franco, Universidade do Estado da Bahia- UNEB
    Professor Assistente do Departamento de Ciências Exatas e da Terra I da Universidade do Estado da Bahia- UNEB.
  • Raul Reis Amorim, Universidade Estadual de Campinas- UNICAMP
    Professor Dr. do Departamento de Geociencias da Universidade Estadual de Campinas- Unicamp






How to Cite

Da Silva Coutinho, E. C., Franco, G. B., & Amorim, R. R. (2017). Physical Geography in Enem Exam: An Interdisciplinary Relationship with Nature Science. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, spe, 147-156.