Proposal of environmental critical thresholds for use in landslides warnings system
In situ monitoring, Environment sensors, Risk areas, PPDCAbstract
Environmental sensors were used to monitor urban slopes representative of landslide risk areas in three municipalities of the São Paulo State (Ubatuba, Campos do Jordão and São José dos Campos), where rainfall gauges and soil moisture sensors were installed along profiles up to 3.0 meters deep. The sensors were read automatically at 10 minute intervals; whereas automatic data transmission via GPRS / GSM (cellular) technology was done at pre-programmed intervals of 4 hours. The occurrence of several landslides in the three municipalities during the registration of environmental data allowed proposing critical operational thresholds to be used at landslide warning systems. Among the monitored environmental parameters, it was found that both rainfall (24h and 72h accumulated intensity) and soil moisture content play a fundamental role in the triggering of landslides on urban slopes. The intensity of hourly rainfall, accumulated rainfall of 24 or 72 hours and the significant increase of soil moisture content up to 3.0 meters deep were the main environmental parameters associated with the occurrence of landslides recorded in the studied areas. Another relevant aspect of the research is the possibility of using the critical thresholds in different situations in landslide alert systems, that is, they can be used for entrance or return a certain operational level used by Preventive Civil Defense Plan – PPDC operated in the São Paulo State (“observation” for “attention” and vice-versa, for example).
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Copyright (c) 2020 Rodolfo Moreda Mendes, Mario Valerio Filho, Jair Santoro, Daniela Girio-Marchiori Faria, Viviane Dias Alves Portela

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Funding data
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo
Grant numbers 2011/22577-2