Quantification of geodiversity and its implications for the geoconservation of the Estrada Real – north-central portion of the Caminho dos Diamantes
Geodiversity index, Environmental conservation, Quantitative mappingAbstract
The Caminho dos Diamantes (the Diamonds Trail) is located in the state of Minas Gerais and belongs to the Estrada Real (the Royal Road), considered the largest tourism route in the country. Specifically, the north-central portion of the Caminho dos Diamantes, which measures 20977.23 km2 in total area, has an area of significant value, both touristic and environmental. A quantitative mapping of the geodiversity for this portion of the Estrada Real is presented based on the analysis of digital spatial data with geographical information systems. Variables representing geology, relief, soil, natural cavities and hydrography were used to calculate the geodiversity index for this area through map algebra procedures. The final result consists of a synthesis map with indexes classified into five categories: very low (0.8%), low (35.8%), medium (31.6%), high (30.9%) and very high (0.9%). About 1/3 of the study area is composed by areas of high and very high geodiversity. Although areas of very high geodiversity are of low relative value, these are mainly located around the main road of the Estrada Real and only a small part of it is protected by a Conservation Unit – Morro da Pedreira Environmental Protection Area. The results can assist the government in identified areas (high and very high geodiversity) that should be a priority for conservation actions and tourism use.
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