Analysis of sedimentology as a subsidy for the assessment of environmental sensitivity to oil in the Pelotas Sedimentary Basin-RS/SC, Brazil
Granulometry, Coastal Zone, SAO MapsAbstract
The activities of the oil industry are expanding throughout the Brazilian territory, causing significant changes along its coastal zone. In this scenario, the economic and socio-environmental demands of the country coexist. In order to manage the risks and damages that such activities cause to marine and coastal environments, the Brazilian government, through the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), began, in 2002, to map the environmental sensitivity to oil spills of Brazilian maritime sedimentary basins. The present work fits in this context through the Cartas SAO Pelotas Project and aims to present the results of the granulometric study of oceanic, lagoon and estuarine beaches of the Brazilian portion of the Pelotas sedimentary basin, as well as to discuss the gaps present in the official classification method of the environmental sensitivity of such environments. The methodology adopted in this work obtained the granulometric parameters of sedimentary samples collected on the beach faces which, combined with the references on the area hydrodynamics and beach permeability, allowed to discuss the representativeness of the official method for beaches that form the Brazilian coastal plain of the Pelotas basin. The results presented some gaps in the Coastal Sensitivity Index (ISL), related to the variation of the analyzed particle size parameters, since it does not consider the dynamics of the spatial distribution of sedimentary particles, a fundamental factor for the permeability of the beaches, besides interpreting theoretically the permeability attributed to sedimentary packages, discarding practical works previously performed. Such disparities can compromise actions in response to oil accidents, leaving vulnerable environments and communities that reside in and survive through them.
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