Quaternary formations mapping in the region of Volta Grande do Rio Uruguai (Brazil)
Curvature, Soil-particle size, ColluviumAbstract
Quaternary formations (detrital and weathered materials) are an important natural resource for different areas of scientific investigation, from understanding their relation to erosive processes and morphodynamic processes that create landforms or to understanding the history of the first human settlements (geoarcheology). Quaternary coverings can be formed in situ or be transported by external geologic agents. Regarding soils, Quaternary formations are related to landscape topography and are transformed according to the characteristics of this topography. Hence, classifying and mapping these soils is not always easy. The present article aims to map the Quaternary formations along a stretch of the Uruguay River basin known as Volta Grande (SC/RS-Brazil), by using topographic attributes derived from the SRTM GL1-Up Sampled digital elevation model, soil particle-size analysis, and a generated Multiresolution Index of Valley Bottom Flatness (MRVBF) index . The results of the analysis show that: (i) colluvium is the predominant Quaternary formation in the study area; (ii) there is a predominance of clay, corroborating previous studies of the region; (iii) the spatial distribution of the study area’s Quaternary formations reflect local slope dynamics based on morphology and topographic position; and, (iv) the existence of colluvium-alluvium on the Uruguay River’s banks indicates that slope attributes contributed to the pedogeomorphological dynamics of the study area and not only fluvial dynamics. Based on the results, the methodology applied in this study might be useful for pedogeomorphological studies, notably in the analysis and mapping of Quaternary formations, despite some of its limitations.
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