Rainfall genesis analysis through the application of Spatial Synoptic Classification technique in the eastern region of the Paraná State
Rainfall, Atmospheric dynamics, Weather typesAbstract
The integrated analysis of climatic attributes is essential for the knowledge of atmospheric dynamics and atmospheric mechanisms responsible for the rainfall generation in a certain region. Therefore, this paper aimed to analyze the prevailing atmospheric characteristics and determinate the weather types responsible for rainfall genesis by application of the Spatial Synoptic Classification (SCC) in Castro, Curitiba and Paranaguá, located in the eastern of the Paraná State. Was used the data from four daily observations of air temperature (ºC), dew point temperature (ºC), relative air humidity (%), direction (º) and wind speed (m/s), atmospheric pressure (hPa) and cloudiness (tenths of sky coverage) of the Castro, Curitiba and Paranaguá meteorological stations, belonging to the National Institute of Meteorology, during the period from 2007 to 2015. The weather types Tropical Humid, Tropical Humid Plus and Tropical Humid 2x Plus occurred more frequently in Paranaguá compared to the other locations due to the influence of maritimity, resulting in an increase of the relative air humidity. Polar weather types occurred most frequently between the end of April and the end of July in all meteorological stations, associated with the Atlantic polar mass and the Atlantic Polar Front performances. In short, SCC shows that the wetter types of weather occur more frequently in Paranaguá, due to the maritime effect, and in Castro and Curitiba, the typologies indicated a higher frequency of the weather types associated with extratropical atmospheric systems.
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