Climatic attributes associated with occult precipitation events in the Aparados da Serra National Park – RS/SC
Fog, Rainfall, WindAbstract
This paper aims to relate the occurence of occult precipitation with attibutes climatic in the Aparados da Serra National Park. A fog collector (CN) and an Automatic Weather Station (EMA) at the study site were installed to collect the occult precipitation and EMA information. Data were collected from the period November 2017 to December 2018. The data were organized into hourly totals for the occult precipitation and hourly averages for the meteorological variables. Results showed that the meteorological variables had no statistically relevant influence on the occurrence of occult precipitation. However, the scatter plots between the precipitation concealment data and the meteorological variables showed that some pattern in the values of the variables occurs in the fog water collection.These patterns were approximated for the air temperature and dew point temperature data, ranging from 4.0°C to 6.0°C, 10.0°C to 13.0°C, and 16.0°C to 18.0°C. For absolute air humidity the highest collected volume correspond between 6.0g/m³ to 8.0g/m³, 9.0g/m³ to 11.0g/m³ and 13.0g/m³ to 15.0g/m³.The wind speed ranges that had the highest PO volumes were 1.0m.s-1 and 3.0m.s-1 and 4.0m.s-1 to 6.0m.s-1. Therefore, in the occurrence of hidden precipitation, as for the meteorological variables no correlations were found. However, there is a similarity in the variable ranges where volumes or occult precipitation records increase.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Jakeline Baratto, João Paulo Assis Gobo, Rogério Rozolen Alves, Emerson Galvani , Cássio Arthur Wollmann

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