How to analyze and interpret the current urban economy? Readings from a multidisciplinary approach
Economic diversity, Labor market, Urban space, Work and incomeAbstract
The existing problems in the world of work grow in global scale due to processes like precarization, productive restructuring and neoliberal globalization. Under these circumstances, alternative income and work strategies arise as centrals to both developed and developing countries. The article provides a theoretical framework able to explain the existing economy diversity mainly in the global South. The empirical basis of investigation was the city of Araraquara, located in the state of São Paulo. The street markets in the public space are seen as alternative economic spaces which promote these strategies of income generation or supplementation of the social groups. After a critical reflection of the data collected during “Rolêfeira” street market, the article proposes the “creative and popular economy” notion to comprehend a share of the economic reality found in the cities’ urban space. This notion encompasses the activities which emerge as answers to the precarity and poor-payment found in the current labor market. The creativity tenet is seen as a cognitive process which transforms a knowledge or skill into an activity able to provide income. In summary, the article draws attention to the several ways of socioeconomic organization due to the pressures lived in the social reproduction sphere.
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