Collaborative disaster mapping: openStreetMap data quality analysis and Cyclone Idai in Mozambique




Volunteered geographic information, Humanitarian mapping, Climate disasters


In 2019, the city of Beira in Mozambique was ravaged by the passage of tropical cyclone Idai, which destroyed 90% of the city with over 600 fatalities and thousands of people needing essential health services. Systematic mapping of the country is outdated and uneven in coverage, making decision-making difficult given the country's constant vulnerability to events like this. OpenStreetMap (OSM) collaborative mapping has been considered an alternative in the absence of official maps. In disasters, contributors to the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) come together to generate geospatial data immediately to support rescue and assistance to displaced populations. Mozambique has benefited from 64 humanitarian mapping campaigns, which have produced vital data to prepare for upcoming disasters. This paper presents a method to assess the intrinsic quality parameters of OSM data produced between 2015 and 2019 for the city of Beira and analyse the influence of HOT campaigns on activities related to Cyclone Idai. The analysis of the results shows that, despite the large volume of data obtained, most of them were generated by users from other countries, lacking toponyms and the inclusion of local communities. This experience shows the importance of establishing local communities of mappers, such as the YouthMappers network so that creating and using collaborative spatial data for disaster preparedness and response is fostered in counterpoint to data colonialism.


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How to Cite

Joaquim, I. P. ., Machado, A. A. ., & Camboim, S. P. . (2024). Collaborative disaster mapping: openStreetMap data quality analysis and Cyclone Idai in Mozambique. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e206736 .