Urban and peri-urban agriculture: analysis of its particularities in Regente Feijó/SP and Centre Wellington/ON - Canada





Segurança alimentar, Políticas públicas, Abastecimento alimentar local


Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is a type of agricultural production that takes place within cities and in their surroundings. Its recognized benefits, which encompass the social, environmental and economic spheres, have made this practice increasingly popular in several countries. The objective of this article is to understand the particularities of the UPA practiced in Regente Feijó, a municipality located in the interior of the Brazilian State of São Paulo, and Centre Wellington, located in the province of Ontario, in Canada; analyzing how this type of agriculture can contribute to the improvement of food security and the local food supply of both landscapes, and contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about UPA and the elaboration and implementation of public policies that stimulate and support its development. The primary data presented in this paper were collected mainly through interviews with urban and peri-urban farmers and other key people of UPA in both municipalities. The results revealed that, despite the UPA practices of researched municipalities being different in some aspects, such as the purpose of the productions - predominantly aimed at self-consumption in Regente Feijó and at commercialization in Centre Wellington - they contribute significantly to the improvement of food security and for local food supply in both locations. In addition, it was found that, both in the area studied in Brazil and in the area examined in Canada, UPA does not receive adequate government support, which is one of the main challenges to its development.


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How to Cite

Negri, B. T., & Hespanhol, A. N. (2024). Urban and peri-urban agriculture: analysis of its particularities in Regente Feijó/SP and Centre Wellington/ON - Canada. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e206753 . https://doi.org/10.11606/eISSN.2236-2878.rdg.2024.206753

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