The role of legal reserves in guaranteeing between remnants of native vegetation connectivity in Brazilian biomes
Fiscal modules, Native vegetation, Landscape structureAbstract
The main objective of this study is to evaluate, based on data from the Rural Environmental Registry - CAR and on land use and cover from MapBiomas, the land tenure profile of Brazilian biomes and the participation that legal reserves - RL have on the landscape structure, especially in the connectivity between the remnants of native vegetation - RVN. For this, the properties declared in the CAR are classified according to the size of the Fiscal Modules - MF, into small, medium and large properties. To study the importance of RL in the landscape structure, the Euclidean distance metric was used. In this approach, the degree of isolation between the remaining patches of native vegetation is simulated considering two contexts: with and without RL. As main results, it was identified that the land structure in Brazil is still mostly concentrated. Except for the Caatinga, in all other biomes it is observed that although there are a high number of small properties, large properties still correspond to the largest proportion of land. Regarding to landcover, it was identified that large properties have a strong participation both in environmental conservation and in degradation. The analysis of the degree of connectivity between the RVN showed that the RL have a great influence on the connectivity of the landscape structure. Considering the context with RL, 92.28% of the patches are at up to 100 m from each other, in the average of the biomes. In the contexts without RL, this percentage drops to 78.76%.
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