Anthropogenic geomorphology and Geomorphological Cartography in an Urban Area in the City of Diadema – Southeastern Brazil




anthropogeomorphology, pre-urban and consolidated geomorphology, volume of mobilized material


The present study aims to investigate and map the anthropogenic geomorphology of an urban area in Diadema, Southeast Brazil. Being part of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo until the mid-1950s, its land use and occupation had rural characteristics and suffered a rapid transformation to urban and industrial activities from the 1960s onwards. Therefore, the anthropogenic intervention in the landforms presents characteristics quite different from the São Paulo’s city, as the technologies and economic interests were different from the metropolis initial urbanization. These characteristics were valued in the selection of the study area, in the central region Diadema, which covers a zone of crystalline hills of the Paulistano Plateau. Adopting a grid of 700 m², mapped at scale 1:5000, the area frames important anthropogenic modifications in the landforms, such as slope cuttings, fillings, rectification of drainage systems and excavations in the fluvial plain for flood retention storages, changing the topography, volumes of mobilized materials and current processes. According to assumptions like the retrospective approach and geomorphological cartography, the phases of pre-urban disturbance and consolidated urbanization were investigated, quantifying the material mobilized by anthropogenic interventions through the creation of positive and negative features. Thus, this study obtained as its result the geomorphological mapping of the pre-urbanization period (original) and the one from consolidated urbanization, qualificating and quantificating the landform anthropogenic interventions, which made possible to recognize changes in the landforms and volume estimations of the mobilized materials, pointing out the anthropogenic interventions in the domain areas of interfluves and fluvial plains considered.


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How to Cite

Morari, E. L., & Villela, F. N. J. . (2024). Anthropogenic geomorphology and Geomorphological Cartography in an Urban Area in the City of Diadema – Southeastern Brazil. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e213049 .