The importance of relief and agricultural management in pedogenetic transformations: study of a pedological system in northern Paraná – South Brazil




Soil genesis, Water flows, Sugarcane, Compaction


Pedogenetic transformations are controlled by various factors, among the most prominent being the relief, which determines the direction and speed of water flows and interferes in the formation and distribution of soils in the landscape. However, in cultivated soils, the type of land use and management adopted also corroborate pedogenetic transformations, altering the distribution of matter and energy along a slope. The aim of this paper is to analyze pedogenetic transformations and their relationship with the relief and sugarcane management, based on the study of a toposequence of sandstone-derived soils located in Guaraci-PR. The soils survey was made by toposequences, identifying the vertical and lateral transitions of the horizons by means of auger borings and the opening of trenches. Samples were taken at the selected points to determine the physical and hydric parameters of the soils. The results indicated a toposequence with a complex pedological system, consisting of Latosol - Argisol – Litholic Neosol - Argisol – Quartzarenic Neosol. The increase in slope favored the development of surface runoff and the installation of subsurface lateral flows, which controlled the e-iluvial processes and acted in the genesis of Litholic Neosols, Argisols and Quartzarenic Neosols. Additionally, agricultural management has led to the compaction of the subsurface soil horizon, contributing to changes in the intensity and direction of water flows, drivers of pedogenetic transformation processes.


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How to Cite

Marcatto, F. S., Silveira, H., & Cruz, G. H. A. da. (2024). The importance of relief and agricultural management in pedogenetic transformations: study of a pedological system in northern Paraná – South Brazil. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e223983 .