Natural disaster risk management in Santa Catarina




Natural disasters, Heavy rain, Risk management, Santa Catarina


Natural disasters cause deaths, damage, and significant losses to Brazilian cities. Santa Catarina, located in southern Brazil, a region geographically prone to climate variability, frequently suffers from meteorological, climatological, geological, and hydrological disasters. Between 1993 and 2023, extreme events displaced or left homeless over 1 million residents of Santa Catarina, with flash floods, heavy rains, and flooding being responsible for most cases. The aim of this study was to analyze the main risks of these three occurrences, which have been intensified by global warming, to which the state of Santa Catarina is exposed, and to identify their respective levels of probability and impact. The methodology was divided into risk identification, risk classification, quantitative risk analysis, risk response planning, and risk monitoring and mitigation. The study analyzes the three main phenomena (heavy rains, flash floods, and flooding) to propose a risk management method that can contribute to the implementation of public policies to mitigate impacts and increase the resilience of affected communities. The research shows that flash floods are the highest-impact risks and therefore must be prioritized in public management, as the trend is for these phenomena to occur more frequently and with greater intensity over time due to the effects of climate change.


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Author Biographies

  • Bianca Bertoli, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

    She holds a degree in Journalism from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2016) and is a master's student at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina in Climate and Environment. She has worked as a reporter in Santa Catarina since the end of her degree. She currently works at NSC Comunicação, with digital and print journalism, in Blumenau.

  • Dr. Cássio Aurélio Suski, Federal Institute of Santa Catarina

    He holds a degree in Mechanical Production Engineering from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (2001), a Master's degree (2004) and a PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from UFSC (2011) and a Post-Doctorate from the State University of Santa Catarina, UDESC in 2020. He participated in the management of the Instituto Federal Catarinense (IFC) as General Director and Administrative Director of the Ibirama Campus, as well as serving as Head of the Department of Teaching, Research and Extension of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina - Itajaí Campus. He is currently a Research Professor of the Technical Course in Mechanics, the Undergraduate Course in Electrical Engineering and the Postgraduate Program - Master's in Climate and Environment, is an institutional evaluator for INEP and a Signatory of the ODS Movement - Sustainable Development Goals. He has experience in the area of ​​Mechanical Production Engineering, with an emphasis on Materials Engineering, Business Administration and Risk Management, as well as in Educational Management and Equipment Development. He has ten years of experience with projects to adapt industrial complexes within the basic guidelines for the development of environmental management systems within companies through ISO 14001 certification, as well as working since 2017 on research projects to analyze greenhouse gases in the main sources of emissions related to Land Use Change and Forestry, Agriculture, Energy, Waste and Industrial Processes and Use of Products, highlighting work on mobile and stationary combustion sources. He also has experience in RDI with the development of prototypes, proposal of intellectual property and filing of patents, including technology transfer to the productive sector and is involved in several research projects to build inventories of greenhouse gases from road, air, rail and waterway modes, in addition to participating in studies of gases generated by composting and urban solid waste. in general, whether in landfills or in recycling processes. It also develops work measuring concentrations of pollutants CO, NO, NO2, O3, SO2, CO2, MP10 and MP2.5 from the QUALAR system of the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB), reanalysis of Dust, Black Carbon (BC), Organic Carbon (OC) and Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) from MERRA-2, remote sensing AOD and FRP by MODIS; NO2, O3, CO2, CH4, SO2, HCHO and CHOCHO by OMI, CO by MOPITT and precipitation by GPCP, as well as modeling studies with the WRF-Chem Mesoscale model in order to analyze the meteorological-chemical transport of pollutant gases on a regional scale, with the inclusion of chemical schemes of aerosol and gas phase, derived from the emission and concentration of such pollutants. Studies of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) using WGS 1984 Datum images, Landsat 8 Satellite, OLI sensor (Operational Land Imager, bands 4 and 5) and Sentinel 2 satellite launched as part of the Copernicus Program of the European Space Agency, as well as the Earth Surface Temperature (TST) with Landsat 8 image, TIRS sensor (Thermal Infrared Sensor, band 10) with spatial resolution of 30 meters are also under development. He has supervised and is supervising several master's dissertations, with extensive experience in stricto sensu postgraduate program in the areas of technological development, global warming, greenhouse gases and extreme events, participates in a research group accredited by CNPQ to dedicate itself to the study of themes related to Climate and Environment.


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How to Cite

Bertoli, B., & Suski, C. A. (2025). Natural disaster risk management in Santa Catarina. Revista Do Departamento De Geografia, 44, e227702 .