Congonhas an example of connection between built and natural heritage in Minas Gerais, Brazil
DOI: clave:
Cultural heritage, Geodiversity, Geology, AssemblageResumen
Throughout time, mankind has used stone materials in the production of various artifacts and in the construction of houses and monuments. These uses have always been influenced, not so much by the types of materials, but by their presence. Materials that are part of the planet's geodiversity and are conditioned by the actions of factors related to surface and subsurface dynamics. Over time, humans developed the ability to exploit these materials according to their needs, availability and ease of transport and manufacture. The city of Congonhas, object of this study, can be considered a good example of the use of stone in the construction of its cultural heritage. It used materials from the geodiversity of the southern region of the Iron Quadrangle and its surroundings. Therefore, these materials were widely used in the construction of this heritage and are present in its streets, churches and other buildings, located in its historic center and surroundings. However, it is clear that a large part of this heritage has not been preserved and a few civil constructions and religious buildings represent what remains. This article intended to highlight the importance of this remaining heritage and to demonstrate possible connections between the stones used in the different forms of Congonhas cultural heritage and the environment from which they were extracted (natural heritage). Given this scenario presented, it was concluded that it is necessary to adopt strategies that seek and enable not only the preservation of these assets, but also an expansion of the tourist interest in this region, where visitors could become aware of these connections between the cultural and natural heritage in Congonhas region.
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Derechos de autor 2023 Monica Pessoa Neves, Antonio Gilberto Costa, Ursula Azevedo Ruchkys

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