Discourse about plea bargaining in the written press and its impact on Brazilian politics

Operação Lava-Jato in the pre- and post- electoral campaign


  • Shigueo Kuwahara Universidade Portucalense


Brazilian Politics, Criminal Organization, Plea bargaining, Operação Lava-Jato


This article seeks to understand the impact that plea bargaining has had on the Brazilian political sphere since the emergence of “Operação Lava-Jato”. To do so, we analyze the discourse that the press created concerning this topic in the period before and after the presidential campaign of 2014. Plea bargaining in Brazil is regulated by Act No. 12.850/2013, which addresses criminal organizations, evidence obtaining and criminal procedure. This law has had a great repercussion on national politics because it has encouraged the revealing of the links between politicians and organized crime in exchange for criminal and procedural benefits. As a hypothesis, we question whether the current Brazilian crisis is more a political/institutional issue or a legal/criminal one.


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Author Biography

  • Shigueo Kuwahara, Universidade Portucalense

    Doutor pela Universidade de Salamanca. Membro da equipe de investigação Dimensions of Human Rights do Instituto Jurídico Portucalense/ Universidade Portucalense






How to Cite

Discourse about plea bargaining in the written press and its impact on Brazilian politics: Operação Lava-Jato in the pre- and post- electoral campaign. (2018). Revista De Estudios Brasileños, 5(10), 106-118. https://periodicos.usp.br/reb/article/view/154322