An analysis about the Brazilian reform of high school teaching and the reproduction of social inequalities
High school reform, public policy, social differencesAbstract
The book entitled Ensino médio brasileiro: dualidade, diferenciação escolar e reprodução das desigualdades sociais, criticizes the high school reform, accomplished by Law nº 13.415 of February 16, 2017. Thus, the work analyses the political moment that configured the high school reform in Brazil, as well as portrays the reproduction of social inequalities in the 21st century. The author brings a discussion about the reform of this stage of basic education, in its political, economic and social context, and its impacts on the social reality of the most impoverished class of the country, the working class. It emphasizes that this reform enlarges the social inequality, further weakening the right to education for young children of the working class.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Max Alexandre da Silva, Adriana Aparecida de Souza, Dante Henrique Moura

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