Villa-Lobos’ Bachianas Brasileiras nº 1: representation of Brazilian identity through the invention of the Cello Ensemble Genre
Heitor Villa-Lobos, Bachianas Brasileiras, cello ensembleAbstract
In the years 1930-1945, Villa-Lobos composed nine Bachianas Brasileiras, suites that combined elements of Brazilian popular and traditional music with characteristics of the music of J. S. Bach. The 1st and 5th in the series were scored for the highly unusual ‘orchestra of cellos’, a formation almost nonexistent before. Villa-Lobos’ unique stylistic synthesis, combined with his tremendously skillful treatment in writing for the orchestra of cellos, resulted in works that laid the foundation for a new genre, the cello ensemble. Bachianas Brasileiras nº 1 and 5, but especially nº 1, have since been embraced and celebrated by cellists and cello ensembles the world over. These works helped to form the now flourishing genre of the cello ensemble and continue to this day to be the finest and most-performed examples of the cello ensemble repertoire.
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