Embarking on a Laboratory Life: A Study on the Construction of a Brazilian Scientist’s Identity
Training scientists, Actor-Network Theory, affected bodyAbstract
In this paper, we present an ethnography developed in the early days of a scientist-in-training in a scientific research laboratory in Biological Sciences. The theoretical, conceptual, and methodological orientations are based on the Actor-Network Theory (TAR) and Bruno Latour’s studies. We adopted the learning perspective based on what this author proposes about “the affected body” to conceive it as a condition to associate with the environment and to respond to it in a more articulated way by the world differences that provoke it. Data collection for this text was based on participant observation with photographic records and field notebook annotations. The analyses indicated that, in the procedures related to the scientific activity of producing histological slides, networks of associations between humans and objects are established, generating effects that affected the body of the young apprentice scientist. In the associations built along the experiments, the scientist in formation had to: establish bonds, act in uncertainties, familiarize herself with objects, manipulate machines, circumvent problems, and even use unorthodox research resources. In the end, this study indicates that it is with these associations that the beginning scientist produces her own scientific knowledge and herself. In the concluding remarks, some implications of what is presented here for the field of education and training of scientists are indicated.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Samuel Itxai Silva Lobo, Gabriel Menezes Viana, Francisco Ângelo Coutinho

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