Social Science Computing and Content Analysis: reflections based on Latin American production
Social Science Computing, Content Analysis, Latin America, ext as Data, PLNAbstract
Social Science Computing (SSC) emerged as a hybrid field formed by the intersection of Social and Computer Sciences, and which develops itself through researchers’ ability to analyze computers and the exponential growth of digital data’s expansion, as well as research based on agent-based computer simulations. In this sense, several themes, areas and methodologies of the humanities have been impacted. In this context, the study of social/political objects based on human communication with Content Analysis is one of the potential fields. Despite not being a recent method, researchers and content analysts deal with research difficulties and limitations caused by subjectivity and replicability of these studies and have seen automation through computers as an overcoming of this issue. Thus, we seek to identify how the incorporation of a traditional methodology by the SSC took place in Latin America, seeking to investigate how social scientists are operationalizing the theoretical-epistemological transitions in this still developing field. For that, we performed a scientometric analysis of articles published by institutions and researchers in the region and the data demonstrate a bibliography composed of more traditional authors from the humanities, but with a strong Computer Science techniques methodological incorporation.
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