How to become a Guggenheim Fellow? The carrers of José Ribeiro do Valle and Maurício O. da Rocha e Silva between 1938 and 1947
History of science, Latin American history, Science and societyAbstract
This article analyzes the careers of two Brazilian pharmacologists: José Ribeiro do Valle and Mauricio O. da Rocha e Silva, between 1938 and 1947. The strategies of these scientists to obtain grants from the Guggenheim Foundation and to make their internships feasible in the United States will be highlighted. Such articulations will be analyzed in relation to the growing American influence in medical education and the cooperation activities stimulated by the Good Neighbor Policy. Ribeiro do Valle and Rocha e Silva published articles in English and participated in international events, seeking to insert their work in an “international network of physiology” (Cueto, 2015), which connected scientists from Latin America and the United States. After receiving the grant, correspondences with Henry Allen Moe expose the negotiations with the Brazilians, who mobilized the parameters of the Guggenheim Foundation to achieve their working goals abroad.
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