2018 Elections, the Pentecostal Factor
Elections, Pentecostalism, BrazilAbstract
In his book, A religião distrai os pobres? O voto econômico de joelhos para a moral e os bons costumes, Victor Araújo discusses the voting trends that altered the result of the presidential election in Brazil in 2018, presenting what I call the “Pentecostal factor”. Among the main arguments, he proves by crossing geographic information of the conservative electorate and the location of Pentecostal churches, that the evangelical public, especially Pentecostals, demonstrates a voting preference aligned with the moral guidelines defended by candidates who demonstrate a more conservative bias. It is seen, then, the possibility of a dialogue with Pierucci by resuming the theory of “secularization” proposed by Weber, in a new guise considering the Brazilian scenario, the religious presence in public spheres, the visible rise of Pentecostalism in the national scenario, and the paradigm shift that we have been living in the last decades.
Araujo, V. (2019). A religião distrai os pobres? Pentecostalismo e voto redistributivo no Brasil. Tese de doutorado, Universidade de São Paulo, USP, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Recuperado em 14 de dezembro de 2023, de https://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8131/tde-08012021-111833/pt-br.php. https://doi.org/10.11606/T.8.2019.tde-08012021-111833
Araujo, V. (2022). A religião distrai os pobres? O voto econômico de joelhos para a moral e os bons costumes. São Paulo: Edições 70.
Lago, D. (2018). Brasil polifônico: os evangélicos e as estruturas de poder. São Paulo: Mundo Cristão.
Pierrucci, A. F. (1998). Secularizção em Max Weber: da contemporânea serventia de voltarmos a acessar aquele velho sentido. Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais, 13(37), 43-73.
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