Vol. 9 No. 18 (2022): First Semester 2022

					View Vol. 9 No. 18 (2022): First Semester 2022

This issue we present now corresponds to the first volume of the year 2022. The journal brings together a total of nine articles in the General Section that, as always, analyze different aspects of the Brazilian reality. Education and indigenous culture, as well as public policies for the Brazilian Amazon region once again occupy several pages of this publication, highlighting the relevance of the topic for Brazilian present moment. The Dossier is dedicated to a subject very dear to the USAL: the teaching and learning of Spanish, in this case, focused on the Brazilian reality. The section was coordinated by professors Andréia Roder Carmona-Ramires (Universidade Estadual do Paraná, UEPR, Brazil) and Odair Luiz Nadin (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Unesp, Brazil), responsible for selecting the material that we now offer to our readers. In addition to the section presentation article (signed by the coordinators), the Dossier includes the articles of Marcella Nascimento Fernandes and Letícia Coroa do Couto, about the experience of carrying out an extension course dedicated to Spanish for Specific Purposes. Next, we have the article by Graziellen Gelli Pinheiro Lima, which presents an analysis of the Spanish course programs in the federal universities of the Brazilian Northeast; and, closing the section, the work of Glória de Fátima Pinotti de Assumpção, who contributes with a discussion technique about the teaching of Terminology in Technical Vocational Education of Secondary Level. To finish, we would like to greatly appreciate the contribution of all the authors, collaborators and all the professionals who have directly or indirectly contributed to the preparation of this issue that we finally publish.

We wish all readers enjoy reading.

Published: 2022-08-25

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