Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014)

Internationalization is a characteristic of our society, impinging on politics, culture, economic affairs and education. In fact, there is no single aspect of society that is not governed or at least influenced by this phenomenon.
Universities must react to this current world trend through internationalization policies, which should not be limited to student exchanges or relations between researchers –which are by the way bountiful- but must also pass through institutional relations and the detection of the identifying features of other countries. Gaining in-depth insight into the cultures and knowledge of other realities is an indication of the quality of a university, since such cultures and knowledge help to train professionals in all spheres of human endeavour, and these professionals will therefore be better able to carry out their professional activities in a globalized world.
The Revista de Estudios Brasileños reflects the commitment of three institutions to the challenges currently faced by universities. These are the Universities of Salamanca and Sao Paolo, emblematic in their respective countries, and Universia, which represents the new technologies in the service of Higher Education institutions throughout Latin America.