Características de la grabación de prácticas y comunicación durante el cambio de turno de enfermería

un análisis de grupo


  • Nikos Rikos Technological Educational Institute of Crete, School of Health and Welfare Services, Department of Nursing
  • Manolis Linardakis University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Social Medicine
  • Michael Rovithis Technological Educational Institute of Crete, School of Health and Welfare Services, Department of Nursing
  • Anastas Philalithis University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Social Medicine


Palabras clave:

Patient Handof, Nursing Care, Nursing Audits, Nursing Services


Objective: To record and identify the characteristics of nursing handovers in a tertiary hospital. Method: Observational study. Twenty-two nurses participated in 11 nursing handovers in 2015/16, using a recorded audio system and an unstructured observation form. Hierarchical cluster analysis was performed. Results: Thirty characteristics were identified. The nursing handovers were based on the clinical status of patients, and all nurses obtained specialized scientific knowledge specific to the clinical environment. The information used was not based on nursing diagnoses and not in accordance with best nursing clinical practice. The following four clusters emerged among the 30 characteristics: 1) the use of evidence-based nursing practice, 2) the nonuse of evidencebased nursing practice and its correlation with strained psychological environment, 3) patient management and the clinical skills/knowledge of nurses, and 4) handover content, quality of information transferred and specialization. Conclusion: Multiple characteristics were observed. The majority of characteristics were grouped based on common features, and 4 main clusters emerged. The investigation and understanding of structural relations between these characteristics and their respective clusters may lead to an improvement in the quality of nursing health care services.


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Original Article

Cómo citar

Rikos, N., Linardakis, M., Rovithis, M., & Philalithis, A. (2019). Características de la grabación de prácticas y comunicación durante el cambio de turno de enfermería: un análisis de grupo. Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da USP, 52, e03401.