Defamation of the Hand: a Visual Analysis of the Algorithmic Unconscious




Artificial intelligence, Algorithmic unconscious , Technology, Image interpretation, Extractivism


The article discusses generative artificial intelligence technologies for images. To do so, it interprets distortions of a figure created using these media. The hermeneutic exercise seeks to develop a critique of this technique based on its dependence on both data and mineral extractivism and its socio-environmental implications.


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Author Biography

  • Andre Leite Coelho, Universidade de São Paulo. Escola de Comunicação e Artes

    André Leite Coelho (1986) is a visual artist and researcher. His artistic work deals with the relationship between technology and perception, memory, and the interaction between text and image. His research focuses on the histories of techniques, with an emphasis on the photographic medium and visual culture.

    He holds a PhD in Arts from ECA-USP (2021) and works professionally in both formal and non-formal education fields, having taught courses at institutions such as PUC SP, Instituto Moreira Salles, and Sesc. He is part of the Photographic Printing Research Group at the Department of Fine Arts of ECA-USP, coordinated by Prof. Dr. João Luiz Musa. He works at Sesc São Paulo on institutional research and the digitization of the Sesc Memórias collection—the organization's memory center.


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How to Cite

Coelho, A. L. (2024). Defamation of the Hand: a Visual Analysis of the Algorithmic Unconscious. Revista ARA, 16(16), 149-177.