Viola Caipira: aesthetic creation and reflection based on free improvisation, tone and musical gesture


  • Fábio Rodrigo Serpe Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
  • Roseane Yampolschi Universidade Federal do Paraná



free improvisation, viola caipira, musical composition, contemporary music.


In this research we intend to develop an artistic work in music through a rapprochement between the viola caipira, considering its performance and socio-cultural status, and the field of contemporary composition, particularly through studies about free improvisation, timbre and musical gesture. This work aims at developing new sound and compositional possibilities to the viola caipira in order to expand its repertoire. Thus, this research will be based initially on a deep analysis of characteristic elements from the traditional viola caipira repertoire — from the point of view of its musical materials and of its distinct idiomatic gestural results –, and on the study of writing processes and extended techniques in the performance of this instrument as well as others alike in current music. These activities will be complemented with free improvisation serving as reservoir of experimental materials to be developed during the composition. Later, a memorial will be done with details of the relevant decisions taken during the compositional process, as well as a critical thinking on the aesthetic choices, gestures and techniques worked out in this work, as a whole.


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Author Biographies

  • Fábio Rodrigo Serpe, Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR
    Mestrando no PPGMúsica da UFPR, na área de concentração Interpretação/Processos criativos, linha de pesquisa Teoria, Criação Musical e Estética Musical. Graduado em Licenciatura em Música pela UNESPAR/EMBAP - Escola de Música e Belas Artes do Paraná. Tem experiência na área de Artes, com ênfase em Música, com atuação em composição e produção musical, performance, arranjo, gravação. 
  • Roseane Yampolschi, Universidade Federal do Paraná

    Roseane Yampolschi is a composer and professor at the Federal University of Paraná. Currently, she is the Vice-Coordinator of the UFPR Graduate Program. In the area of ​​Musical Creation, he holds a postdoctoral degree at Kings College (London, 2014), PhD and Masters, respectively, at the University of Illinois (USA, 1997) and at Eastern Illinois University (USA, 1993) and Bachelor , at UFRJ (1986), in Philosophy, completed the lato sensu specialization course at UFMG (2002). She was Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Música em Perspectiva, from UFPR, from 2008 to 2010. Her interest in research is focused on themes dealing with gesture and body in musical creation, contemporary aesthetics / poetry in music (acoustic and electroacoustic) and sound art (installations, video art, music for cinema, etc.). In the area of ​​sound creation, his work has been highlighted through festivals and national and international awards / prizes (WORLD MUSIC DAYS [Norway and România], THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PERFORMING AND CREATIVE FELLOWSHIP, THE CHAMBERS PLAYERS OF THE LEAGUE York] BIENNIAL OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC - FUNARTE, CULTURAL FOUNDATION OF CURITIBA). He received scholarships and grants from Capes, CNPq, the Interdisciplinary Center for Studies of the 20th Century [Portugal], UFMG - FAFICH, FAPEMIG, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign [USA] and Eastern Illinois University. Most recently, she received the UNESCO INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR THE PROMOTION OF CULTURE award to co-ordinate and co-create the WEAVING MUSIC FOR RADIO project, by LATIN AMERICAN WOMEN COMPOSERS (2017).






How to Cite

Serpe, F. R., & Yampolschi, R. (2016). Viola Caipira: aesthetic creation and reflection based on free improvisation, tone and musical gesture. Revista Da Tulha, 2(2), 29-46.