A viola e suas metalinguagens: notação do gesto e aprendizado não formal


  • Gisela Nogueira Universidade Estadual Paulista




the notation of the musical gesture on the fingering strings, tabs, musical alphabet or mixed tablatures, the practice of "basso continuo", other forms of notation of musical gesture, Modalities of learning, the music in the Brazilian university


The learning of musical notation has been historically associated with the privileged strata of society, as described by the widely known texts of Music History and Musicology. We certainly address it as an excerpt from the musical production as the popular practice exceeds, in large number, the elite ones. The historical survey of musical documentation sources used in this bibliography delt exclusively with conventional musical notation and on a large scale, with manuscripts and publications up to the late nineteenth century. With the institutionalization of musical learning and the foundation of the conservatories, came the demand for textbooks that standardized musical knowledge. On the other hand, plucked strings and especially the guitars, served the musical production from all the society strata, ever since its Arab origins, to the spread across Europe and its colonies. His learning was through non-formal ways, either by oral or nonliterate tradition, or other forms of literacy (possibly the cause of its enormous popularity) wich were disregarded on those educational publications, except for short quotations to the lute and the vihuelas. The institutionalization of these instruments occurred very late in relation to those of the orchestra and the piano. From the representations used in formal literacy and non-formal ones, the musical notation of plucked strings instruments include the notation of gestures in a system of signs known as tablature, whose earliest records date back to the late fifteenth century, and Alphabeto Musical or mixed tablatures (much used in the XVIIth and XVIIIth centuries). The tablature notation is widely used in informal ways of learning plucked strings instruments nowadays. The specificity of such a system promoted the obliteration of these historical records on textbooks and all formal literacy until recently. The Brazilian university has not brought them to light.


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Author Biography

  • Gisela Nogueira, Universidade Estadual Paulista
    Doutora em Ciências da Comunicação pela ECA-USP (2008), realizou seu Mestrado em ‘Musical Performance’ no Royal Northern College of Music (Manchester - 1985) em convênio com The Victoria University of Manchester, e seu Bacharelado em Música com Habilitação em Composição pela Faculdade Paulista de Arte (1980). É Professora dos cursos de Música da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, tendo sido Coordenadora do Conselho dos Cursos de Música por 5 anos. Tem experiência na área de Performance Musical, com ênfase em Instrumentação Musical e Musicologia Histórica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: viola de arame, memória musical brasileira, violão, música barroca e música antiga. Membro do NoMaDH - Núcleo de Musicologia e Desenvolvimento Humano certificado pelo CNPq.






How to Cite

Nogueira, G. (2016). A viola e suas metalinguagens: notação do gesto e aprendizado não formal. Revista Da Tulha, 2(1), 119-143. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2447-7117.rt.2016.125391