Arthur Kampela’s Percussion Studies

Pedagogical contributions to musical performance and composition


  • Ricardo Henrique Serrão Universidade Estadual de Campinas



Arthur Kampela; morphological theme; instrumental defamiliarization; gestuality; rhythmic complexity., Arthur Kampela, Morphological Theme, Instrumental Defamiliarization, Gestuality, Rhythmic Complexity


The musical pieces titled "Studies" also demonstrate to form a vast field of investigation in the areas of music. One of them is the fact that in the twentieth century, the genre study is strengthened by its diversity of proposals and, mainly, by its support as an experimentation environment in the areas of musical performance and musical composition. In this article, we focus on Percussion Studies by Brazilian composer Arthur Kampela in which we highlight a diversity of pedagogical approaches focused on listening, performance and musical composition. In this sense, we focus on the Percussion Study II (1993) - dedicated to the composer Elliott Carter -, addressing three main aspects of the work: (i) the sound-noise relationship in Kampela's work; (ii) morphological themes and instrumental defamiliarization, and finally, (iii) ergonomic implications of gesture in rhythmic complexity.


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Author Biography

  • Ricardo Henrique Serrão, Universidade Estadual de Campinas

    Bacharel in Classical Guitar by Unicamp and master in Composition under the guidance of Profa. Dr. Denise Hortência Lopes Garcia, Ricardo Henrique develops researches in music in the areas of performance, composition and musical analysis. As a performer, he performs in Brazilian classical and popular music fields and has performed at various venues such as SESC Campinas, SESC Interlagos, SESI Araraquara, Cpfl Parklett Musical Circuit, Guitar Movement - Young Virtuoses, UFMG International Symposium, Milton Nunes Seminar, Rio Claro guitar, among others. In camera music, he won the 1st prize in the National Musicalis Competition (2013); 2nd place in the International Contest Raul Sánchez Clagett de Violão (Uruguay, 2013) and 1st place in the Souza Lima Guitar Competition (2017). In 2014 he was invited to perform by the Unicamp Community Orchestra. "Concert Suite for Guitar and Orchestra" by Edino Krieger. In the teaching areas, he taught in the course of Guitar of the Free School of Music of Unicamp between the years of 2011 and 2015; as an assistant professor of music education at Unicamp in the disciplines of Harmony of Classicism, Harmony of Romanticism and Harmony of the twentieth century, and is currently a Suzuki-trained teacher at the Suzuki Center in Campinas. In the field of music composition and analysis, he has worked as a researcher since 2014 in researches related to the musical repertoire of the XX and XXI centuries with research groups in NICS and CDMC Unicamp, and in 2018 defended his dissertation "STUDIES? TERRITORIES OF CREATION : The musical genre Study in a historical and compositional perspective ".


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How to Cite

Serrão, R. H. (2018). Arthur Kampela’s Percussion Studies: Pedagogical contributions to musical performance and composition. Revista Da Tulha, 4(2), 138-159.