Vol. 5, n. 2





VIIIth EMRP, Musicology, The music and the Arts in the university


This Vol. 5, n. 2 from RT brings three works that were presented at the VIII Ribeirão Preto Musicology Meeting (VIII EMRP, August 22 and 23, 2019), A Música e a Artes na Universidade: publish or perish ?, which was supported by FAPESP and brought as keynote speakers John Rink (Cambridge) Aloysio Fagerlande (UFRJ), Paulo Chagas (UCR), in addition to the teachers of the house Fernando Corvisier and Rubens Ricciardi. The works published in this issue were the lectures given by Chagas and Fagerlande and a communication by Bock et alii.


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Author Biography

  • Marcos Câmara de Castro, Prof. Dr., University of São Paulo

    MARCOS CÂMARA DE CASTRO is a writer, composer and Associate Professor (Free Lecturer), of the Music Department of the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of the SP of Ribeirão Preto (SP), responsible for the disciplines Music Education, Choral Singing and Ethnomusicology. Graduated in composition at ECA / USP (1983), he had as teachers Olivier Toni, Willy Corrêa de Oliveira, Gilberto Mendes, Caio Pagano and Silvio Crespo . He studied as an Auditeur-Libre, the classes of Harmony, Counterpoint, Analysis and Musical Composition by Michel Philippot, at the National Superior Conservatory of Music in Paris, as a CNPq Improvement fellow (1988-1990). He has a master's degree (2001) and doctorate (2007), both under the direction of Mario Ficarelli, about the Minas Gerais born composer Fructuoso Vianna (1896-1976), a work that includes the compilation of his work, donated to ECA / USP by his daughter Guigui, and musicological review and edition of his complete work. In the area of ​​choral singing, he has been  teacher of several choral groups in the country and abroad, he is critically reviewing the bibliography, and editing, the Brazilian Coral Songbook and, since 2015, he is the professor of Coral da Filô (a community group). He is accredited in the Graduate Program in Music at ECA / USP, has 4 doctorates and 4 masters defended. Conducted a research internship, in the 2012-2013 academic year, with a BPE / FAPESP scholarship, as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Lorena, Nancy (France), on Cultural History / Music, with the Au coeur des choeurs sont toujours possibles les transferts project , under the supervision of Didier Francfort, in a Popular University work  , whose main action was the Atelier de Chant in the chapel of the Lunéville castle (Château des Lumières). His compositions have been presented in the country and abroad and, as a researcher, he  publishes in national and international academic journals, organizing and participating in scientific events on his main line of research: Music, Society and Education. He is leader of the CNPq Estramuse research group: transdisciplinary studies in music, society, education. Since 2015, he is the managing editor of Revista da Tulha - academic music magazine of the Performance Science Research Center of the Music Department of FFCLRP / USP. Since 2016, he is an associate researcher in the thematic project FAPESP 2016 / 05318-7, O Musicar Local - new paths for ethnomusicology coordinated by Suzel Reily (UNICAMP) and having as principal Researchers: Flavia Camargo Toni (USP), Rose Satiko Gitirana Hikiji (USP). Headquarters Institutions: Institute of Arts (Music) - Unicamp; Department of Anthropology - USP and Institute of Brazilian Studies - USP. This project aim to recognize the diversity of forms of musical engagement or do music in different locations. He has published articles published by Folha de São Paulo, Correio Popular de Campinas, Revista Concerto, Jornal da USP, among others and is the author of the books: Fructuoso Vianna, piano orchestrator. Rio de Janeiro, ABM Editorial, 2013 e The places and colors of time: music, society, education. São Paulo, Editora Pharos, Nap-Cipem USP, 2015 Vol. IV and Poetry of the Earth (poems), São Paulo: Editora Patuá, 2018.




