The Great Mystic Circus: an artistic-pedagogical project


  • Cristina Moura Emboaba da Costa Julião d Camargo Santa Catarina State University



The Grande Circo Místico, Higher Education, Fiato al Brasile Festival


The artistic and pedagogical realization of the cultural extension project described here allows the discussion of a musical formation based on the articulation of the higher education areas - Teaching, Research and Extension - with the interaction and complementarity (Morin,2012) between the three poetic musical activities, practice. and theory and of the disciplines and contents of the curriculum of the music college, as an alternative to a music formation with critical power, facing the structure of fragmentation and compartmentalization of knowledge and skills installed in the pedagogical processes. In this excerpt we describe and appreciate the assembly of the show The Great Mystic Circus, with the songs composed by Chico Buarque and Edu Lobo based on the homonymous poem of Jorge de Lima, performed by two extension programs of the Arts Center and Music Department of Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina Udesc/FLORIANÓPOLIS with three musical groups and a group of actors, produced by the Pró-Reitoria of Extension and Culture of that university.


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Author Biography

  • Cristina Moura Emboaba da Costa Julião d Camargo, Santa Catarina State University

    PhD in musicology from PPGMus ECA / USP, she is an effective professor in the Music Department of UDESC (SC), responsible for the area of Choral Conducting, Choral and group practice.


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How to Cite

Camargo, C. M. E. da C. J. d. (2020). The Great Mystic Circus: an artistic-pedagogical project. Revista Da Tulha, 6(1), 140-166.