The benefits of musical teaching in human training and development


  • Sonia Albano Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Ana Lucia Braz Universidade Anhembi Morumbi



Musical Teaching, Human Development, Benefits, Musical Cognition


The text in question aims to demonstrate to what extent music, as an area of knowledge, can contribute to the formation and integral development of individuals and which areas of the physical and psychic body can be activated in contact with music. The theoretical foundation is based on texts by Maria Cândida Moraes (2003), A. Storr (2002), S Viellard and E. Bigan (2005), among others, mostly researchers focused on musical cognition.


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Author Biographies

  • Sonia Albano, Universidade Estadual Paulista

    Sônia Albano: PhD in Communication and Semiotics - Arts (PUC/SP); post-doctorate in interdisciplinarity and education at GEPI-PUC/SP; post-doctorate in music at IA-UNESP; lato sensu post-graduation in instrumental practices and chamber music at FMCG; specialization in musical interpretation and chamber music with Prof. Walter Bianchi (FMCG); bachelor's degree in instrument - piano (FMCG); Bachelor of Laws (USP); short degree in music education and qualification for piano teaching (Instituto Musical de São Paulo). Since 2005 she has been working on the Master and Doctoral Program in Music at IA-UNESP. She has books, collections, articles and research involving interdisciplinarity, music, performance and music education. She was President of the National Association for Research and Graduate Studies in Music from 2015 to 2019.

  • Ana Lucia Braz, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi

    Doctor in Psychology from the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas (2003), Master in Education from Universidade Paulista (1995), graduation in Psychology from Universidade Paulista (1983), graduation in Pedagogy from Faculdade Filosofia Ciências e Letras Carlos Pasqualli (1988). She was a professor at Universidade Paulista from 1984 to 2007; coordinator of the Psychology Courses at UNIP from 2000 to 2007; professor at Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi and responsible for the Psychopedagogical Support Nucleus-NAP- of the institution from 2018 to 2020. She was a researcher at FUNADESP. She is a self-employed professional with a private practice. She is the author of The Meaning and Importance of Love - A Phenomenological Study; organizer of the book Art, Culture and Education in Teacher Training: Illusion or Reality. Author of chapters in books; Mosaics: Art Culture and Education; Body, Alterity and Symptom: Understanding and Diversity; Current reflections on Psychology themes, as well as articles in scientific journals. She took a specialization course in Social Gerontology in 2017 and Interventions in extreme situations in 2016, at Instituto Sedes Sapiens. She has a specialization in Phenomenology from the University of São Paulo-USP. She has experience in the field of Clinical Psychology, working in a private practice since 1984, providing assistance and supervision. She develops works in the areas of social and personality development, working mainly on the following themes: love, emotional education; participation of love in evolution, learning process, loving development and interpersonal relationships.


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How to Cite

Albano, S., & Braz, A. L. . (2021). The benefits of musical teaching in human training and development. Revista Da Tulha, 7(1), 176-190.