Collective Musical practice in social isolation: report of an experience of the University Extension Program - Udesc
Covid-19, Collective musical practice, Social distancing, Music Technology, Virtual rehearsalAbstract
Experience report about the maintenance of the activities bound to the Engenho Musical extension program (Music Department and Pro Rectory of Extension from Udesc/Ceart) during the period of social isolation/distancing and the consequent suspension of in-person collective activities due to the Covid-19 pandemic, referring to the period between March 2020 to August 2021. The utilized methodology contemplated a bibliographic survey of academic articles and works about the subjects referring to the Covid-19 pandemic and musical groups, followed by a critical discussion about the collective musical activity experiences during the mentioned period and the application of a quantitative-qualitative research(questionnaire with objective questions and open-ended questions directed to the integrants of the referred program that maintained activity during the pandemic). The collected works allowed a discussion of the impacts of the pandemic on the collective musical practices and the necessary adaptations to the maintenance of the activities, enabling a confluence with the actions adopted in the Engenho Musical extension program and its integrants reports.
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