Collective musical creation: towards a humanizing education in childhood
Collective music creation, Educational Processes, Humanization, Child, Living togetherAbstract
The study presented here is part of the author's master's research. This research investigates the educational processes originating from the social practice of collective musical creation through participation, observation, and analysis of five activities carried out by children who are part of a social project. The aim is to identify whether these processes contribute to the children's human development. Collective musical creation activities are understood as social practices that foster coexistence based on dialogue and collaboration. To conduct this investigation, the methodology of participant research was adopted. Data collection began with immersion in the space where the activities took place, allowing for observations of these educational processes during the interaction with the children while they engaged in collective musical creation activities. As a result, it was possible to observe transformations in the relationships among the children, specifically in terms of the development of loving dialogue, the achievement of autonomy, and the pursuit of humanization.
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