Bergson revisited: interview with François Azouvi


  • Marcos Camolezi Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas



Bergson - reception history - intellectual history - avant-gardes - Catholic Church.


In this interview, François Azouvi presents the theoretical reasons that led him, from Maine de Biran and Descartes, to write La gloire Bergson: essai sur le magistère philosophique. From this he discuss the possible significance of doing history of philosophy; comments on the links created in the first decades of the twentieth century between the work of Bergson and the artistic avant-gardes; exposes the motivations of catholic power that resulted in the conviction and, years later, in the absolution of Bergsonism; comments the distanced Bergson’s behavior of chronic and political issues that divided France. Azouvi also highlights the critical role of science in the genesis of the reputation of a philosopher who was able to offer to his audience a exacting metaphysical ambition through the most advanced scientific currents of his time.


Author Biography

  • Marcos Camolezi, Universidade de São Paulo. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas
    Doutorando em Filosofia



How to Cite

Camolezi, M. (2015). Bergson revisited: interview with François Azouvi. Intelligere, 1(1), 116-125.