The formative years in Europe, 1964-1970


  • Denis Rolland Universidade de Estrasburgo



Amado Cervo, Europe, Formative years


This is an itinerary in the middle of the 20th century: being Brazilian in France after the coup d'état against João Goulart, a "refugee" with no status other than that of a student, without money; a foreign student in France at a large university in the countryside before and during 1968. Be a South American discovering, in addition to France, this Old World of the Cold War, the two Europes, on both sides of the Wall, and the Middle East.


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Author Biography

  • Denis Rolland, Universidade de Estrasburgo
    Denis Rolland, professor at the University of Strasbourg, specialist in International Relations and Latin America (20th century). Creator and the FARE research group in International Relations (UMR7367 Dynamiques Européennes). He was dean of the Academies of Guyana, Dijon, Caen and Normandy (France). He is currently Inspector General of National Education. He published 10 authorial books and organized about 50 collective books in International Relations and Contemporary History. He was deputy scientific director at CNRS (INSHS) and junior and later senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France.


Cervo, Amado Luiz . Service de Dieu et Service de Sa Majesté : La justification espagnole de la conquête de l'Amérique 1492-1548, Travaux universitaires papier – 1970, Bibliothèque des Facultés de théologie catholique et protestante, université de Strasbourg. Sob a direção do P. François Châtillon (1908-1994), historiador da Idade Média, professor na Faculdade de Teologia Católica de Estrasburgo, fundador e diretor da Revue du Moyen Age latin, publicado pelo CNRS (CNPq francês).

Cervo, Amado Luiz, depoimento, 2017, Rio de Janeiro, CPDOC/Fundação Getulio Vargas.

François-Xavier Guerra, « La lumière et ses reflets : Paris et la politique latino-américaine » in A. Kaspi et A. Marès (dir.), Le Paris des étrangers, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 1989, pp.171-183.

Miguel Rodriguez et Nestor Ponce, « Un livre d’histoire aux gravures de pierre : monuments latino-américains à Paris », Actes du colloque L’Amérique latine et l’Europe, ALMOREAL, Université d’Orléans, 1995.

Ver em francês Pierre Kalfon, Che, Ernesto Guevara, une légende du siècle, Paris, Seuil, 2007; Miguel Benasayag, Che Guevara : du mythe à l'homme : aller-retour, Paris, Bayard, 2003 ; Olivier Besancenot e Michael Löwy, Che Guevara une braise qui brûle encore, Paris, Mille et une nuits, 2007 ; Jeannine Verdès-Leroux, La Lune et le Caudillo, Gallimard, Paris, 1989 ; Daniel James, Che Guevara, New York,Cooper Square Press, 2001; cf. também a parte « Le culte du Che » da página wikipedia dedicada a Che Guevara ( 07-2010).



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