Literary Realism and Modern Experience in the early 20th century: reflections from Proustian work


  • Paulo Rodrigo Andrade Haiduke Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste



Marcel Proust, realism, modern experience, modern literature, reception


This article seeks to problematize the novel A la recherche du temps perdu, a work by the French writer Marcel Proust (1871-1922) originally published in Paris between 1913 and 1927. The approach proposed here seeks to discuss some elements of what we can call the realism of this work, trying to make a dialogue with issues that were important to modernity in the early twentieth century. Starting from the outbreak of the identity and identification crisis as an important element in this context, the work analyzes how the Proustian work sought to analyze and also build ideals for its respective overcoming. In this sense, the re-encounter of oneself through reminiscence seems to have been important, and even suggests the way in which the Proustian novel tried to reconcile the external and subjective realities, between physical time and lived temporality. Finally, the article seeks to point out how the notion of involuntary memory works as a sign of realism, indicating through reading the work of Marcel Proust and some examples of its reception for the great attention in this context to the temporal dimensions of the structures and processes that would form a supposedly deeper reality.


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How to Cite

Literary Realism and Modern Experience in the early 20th century: reflections from Proustian work . (2021). Intelligere, 12, 43-67.