The “crisis of history” and its discourse in the 19th and 20th centuries: the diagnosis of Ernst Troeltsch and Hayden White
Crisis of historicism, Troeltsch, WhiteAbstract
This article seeks to address and problematize the evolution of a discourse on the “crisis of history” that developed at the end of the 19th century and throughout the 20th century. The analysis focuses on two fundamental articles written by Ernst Troeltsch and Hayden White, namely, “The Crisis of Historicism” (1922) and “The Burden of History” (1966). The discussion around the “crisis of history” reveals deep concerns about the nature of the historical discipline and the significant changes that have occurred in relation to its conception, practice, and purpose. In this article, the texts cited above are analyzed as manifestos and diagnoses of their respective times. However, it is argued, they are fundamentally linked as testimonies of the crisis of historicism.
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