Announced Tragedy: Julien Benda and the (re) turn of the treason of intellectuals


  • Marta Nunes da Costa Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul



Julien Benda, Democracy, Freedom, Totalitarianism


In this article, I will indirectly revisit Julien Benda's emblematic work entitled The Treason of the Intellectuals, from 1927, as a way of raising the question that will guide the text: are we witnessing a return of the treason of intellectuals today? If so, what form does it take? This article has three parts. In the first, I contextualize the work and show how the identification initially postulated by Benda between philosopher and intellectual generates an important dissociation and a subversion of the concept of intellectual. In the second part, I explore the implications of this subversion and point to Benda's defense of democracy in the post-war context. In the third part, I explore the signs of the treason of intellectuals today, based on specific examples of university practices, and I suggest that the current scenario represents the announcement of a tragedy that is already known.


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Author Biography

  • Marta Nunes da Costa, Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul
    Possui doutorado em Filosofia e Ciência Política - New School for Social Research (2006) com uma tese intitulada Redefining Individuality - Reflections on Kant, Adorno and Foucault. A sua tese foi publicada em 2011 pela Húmus Editora (Portugal). As suas áreas de especialização são Ética, Teoria e Filosofia Política, Teorias da democracia, filosofia moderna e filosofia contemporânea. É professora adjunta da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul, onde ministra aulas de graduação do curso de Filosofia do Centro de Ciências Humanas e Sociais.


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Referências Online:

LILLA, M. “Treason of the Intellectuals”, 2021, in Acesso a 1 de Outubro de 2024.






How to Cite

Costa, M. N. da. (2024). Announced Tragedy: Julien Benda and the (re) turn of the treason of intellectuals. Intelligere, 17, 1-14.