Rurals, The Experiment

Reclaiming the soundspace


  • Bartira de Sena e Souza Pesquisadora independente



Soundscape, Noise, Fireworks, Musicology, Affect, Cruz das almas


The Rurals Experiment was a sound intervention developed and conducted by me and it took place in the city of Cruz das Almas, Bahia, Brazil on May 21 and 23, 2014. In this paper, I analyze the intervention as an opportunity to disrupt the established soundscape of the city and give space for fresh engagements of the population with their soundscape to temporarily occur and reflect on the reasons why this approach would particularly impact that city's reality. Making use of field recordings captured at the city's countryside, they were presented in contrast, in the commercial urban center of the city in order to instigate reflection about the quick changes their sound environment has experienced in a short period of time. Thus, I review the history of Cruz das Almas, identify some of its soundmarks I considered relevant to demonstrate the hardcore and sometimes oppressive nature of this city's sound reality which has a strong influence in this community's disposition to perceive sound and provides essential tools for engagement with the experiment.


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Author Biography

  • Bartira de Sena e Souza, Pesquisadora independente

    O trabalho de Bartira orbita em torno da formação da identidade na era digital. Ela investiga maneiras pelas quais produções sonoras podem desafiar a compreensão das ecologias existentes, alimentando-se de implicações contemporâneas, como a onipresença tecnológica, a padronização e a imigração para revisar narrativas produzidas no contexto fortemente mediado pela tecnologia digital.


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How to Cite

Rurals, The Experiment: Reclaiming the soundspace. (2020). Revista Música, 20(1), 453-472.