El uso de un sistema de música interactivo como ayuda para explorar el sonido en la educación musical en un área rural


  • Mario Alberto Duarte-García Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Emma Wilde Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Rodrigo Cortez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Jorge Rodrigo Sigal Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



Palabras clave:

Interactive music systems, Sound mobile apps, Electroacoustic music, Music educational program, Socially underserved communities


Technology has been widely used for educational processes; in the arts several researchers have investigated the employment of computational systems and gadgets to approach younger audiences. This paper describes the design and implementation of an interactive music system used as a tool for an electroacoustic music course for children in a rural community. The system comprises a MaxMSP digital interface and an OSC Controller app for Android. Graphic User Interfaces were created in MaxMSP in order to process individual musical parameters, this can be controlled by mobile devices using Open Sound Control OSC protocols. The interactive system was used by children (6-15 years old) to explore sound worlds during a series of electroacoustic music courses and workshops.


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Cómo citar

El uso de un sistema de música interactivo como ayuda para explorar el sonido en la educación musical en un área rural. (2020). Revista Música, 20(1), 357-380. https://doi.org/10.11606/rm.v20i1.170736