Uma questão de identidade! Migrações e pertencimento na dinâmica do mundo globalizado


  • Adriana Capuano de Oliveira Universidade Federal do ABC


Palabras clave:

identity, belonging, nation state, refuge, immigration.


In a world where human displacements have grown wildly, the aim of this article is to offer a comprehensive view of a panorama of the complexity around feelings of belonging and identity. Faced with the reality of millions of refugees and so many millions of people leaving their home countries voluntarily in search of better living and working conditions, scenes that shock world unfurl before our eyes all the time. How can we conceive the future? Based on this premise, we will focus on four sub-themes hoping that they will lead us to a better understanding of identity, belonging, nation-state, refuge, the most recent migratory flows to Brazil and the current picture of human displacements in the globalized world.


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Biografía del autor/a

  • Adriana Capuano de Oliveira, Universidade Federal do ABC
    é professora adjunta da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) e docente do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Humanas e Sociais (PCHS) da mesma universidade.





Dossiê Interculturalidades

Cómo citar

OLIVEIRA, Adriana Capuano de. Uma questão de identidade! Migrações e pertencimento na dinâmica do mundo globalizado. Revista USP, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 114, p. 91–108, 2017. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9036.v0i114p91-108. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.