Hipólito da Costa visita a jovem democracia yankee


  • Oscar Pilagallo Sem registro de afiliação




Hipólito José da Costa, press in the Brazilian colonial period, United States, Philadelphia


In this book Diary of My Trip to Philadelphia, Hipólito José da Costa provides an account of his over-a-year-long visit to the United States in the end of the 18th century. The future journalist and creator of the Correio Braziliense newspaper visited the country in a moment when democracy was being established. That experience would leave deep marks on the professional life of the one who is considered the most influential journalist of the Brazilian colonial period. Philadelphia, then a provisional capital city, had been the main stage of the proclamation of the independence of the country, about two decades earlier. The city had played a key role in the American Revolution since the time of the Thirteen Colonies, which formed the foundation of the United States, and which were still pervaded with some “revolutionary enlightenment”


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Author Biography

  • Oscar Pilagallo, Sem registro de afiliação

    é jornalista e autor de, entre outros, História da Imprensa Paulista (Três Estrelas)





Dossiê americanistas

How to Cite

PILAGALLO, Oscar. Hipólito da Costa visita a jovem democracia yankee. Revista USP, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 112, p. 97–106, 2017. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9036.v0i112p97-106. Disponível em: https://periodicos.usp.br/revusp/article/view/129743.. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.