Diagnóstico da pesquisa em biodiversidade no Brasil
biodiversity, biological collections, electronic repatriationAbstract
Biodiversity is a result of millions of years of biological evolution, and is the component of the system which supports life on our planet. Besides the intrinsic value of each species, all of them as a whole, as well as of the interactions among the species, and their interaction with the physical and chemical environment, result in ecosystem services vital for supporting life on Earth. Because of that, the science of biodiversity is largely recognized as a priority area of scientific investigation both in developed and developing countries. In Brazil, the research on biodiversity can be divided in three parts: 1) discovery and characterization of biodiversity - including marine and human-altered landscapes - systematics and taxonomy; 2) understanding the functioning of ecosystems and environmental services, including in marine and human-altered landscapes; 3) bioprospecting of the chemical diversity of the Brazilian biota.Downloads
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