Organismos transgênicos no Brasil: regular ou desregular?
transgenic plants, risk analyses, health, environmentAbstract
The risk analysis of GMOs or transgenic plants follows international protocols concer-ning with possible damages (adverse effects), the form in which damages occur (risks), the significant risks deserving a thorough analysis, and which way the identified risk is to be observed and measured (assessment). Just like what has happened in Brazil, risk analyses conducted in other countries in the last fifteen years have never found any market-released products with adverse effects to human or animal health or to the environment. The excessive regulation favors big companies, which have resources and time to meet all regulatory demands. On the other hand, small-sized companies or state companies such as Embrapa do not have enough budgeting to comply with the overburdening regulation. Thus, taking into account the experience of other countries and also its own experience, Brazil should address this debate with more rationality, and start de-regulating what is over-regulated. Transgenic plants are harmless, and also favorable to the economy and to the environment. It has been proved that they reduce water use as they demand less insecticide, and also the use of diesel oil, thus reducing CO2 emission into the atmosphere.Downloads
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