Obstáculos ao investimento em P&D de empresas estrangeiras no Brasil
foreign companies, investment in R&D, market, clustersAbstract
This article aims at pointing some barriers of foreign companies to the investment in R&D in Brazil, and at discussing some conditions for overcoming them. It starts with the point that the Brazilian branches of international companies, which as a whole already take a significant part in the whole effort of corporate R&D, could extend their future participation provided that a way is found through the investment barriers in external R&D. The main conclusions are that there are good perspectives for attracting "market-oriented" R&D investments. That, which in recent past was seen as a hindrance, is now an advantage due to the growing weight of the big emerging economies in the global market. As regards the investments in "technology-oriented" R&D, many difficulties to make the country attractive persist, especially in relation to training high-level human resources and to the presence of solid academic institutions and technological clusters of a certain size.Downloads
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