Fiscalidade no Brasil Império: a manutenção de privilégios e o legado da desigualdade
Taxation, Brazilian Empire, Public goods, Development, InequalityAbstract
This article analyzes Brazil’s colonial fiscal legacy and its first actions as an independent nation in structuring its tax system, including the separation of revenue sources and the definition of the fiscal jurisdiction of the various levels of government. We argue that liberalist rhetoric and a lack of planning led to the establishment of a fiscal system that maintained the colonial privileges of the political and economic elite by relying on indirect taxation of a socioeconomically unequal population. The same lack of planning ended up leaving provinces, and especially municipalities, with a large part of the responsibility for the provision of public goods, but without adequate revenue to fulfill that responsibility. The fiscal structure significantly compromised long-term economic development and aggravated the social disparity that exists among its citizens.
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