Annie Ernaux e a educação: ficção, autobiografia e compreensão sociológica
Literature, Education, Annie Ernaux, Pierre Bourdieu, AutobiographyAbstract
Through the reading of two books by Annie Ernaux, this text discusses issues related to the nature of knowledge of the social present in literature. It reflects on the knowledge of literature and autobiography and on a possible exchange between education, literature and the human sciences. In these works, the author readdresses stories of her background: formal and informal learning and her vicissitudes at school and in the family, and the progressive distance that imposes itself between her and her family, as her formal education advances and moves away from its original condition. The reconstruction of the time lived poses questions on the relationships between the individual and the collective and promotes reflections on feelings, emotions, work and life projects. The works circulate while being imbued with interpretations and remembrances that are produced at the crossroads between sociology and literature, anchoring themselves in the thought of Pierre Bourdieu.
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